Tag Archives: Corn


Elote is a Mexican street food – basically corn on the cob.  You may see it frequently being sold in some neighborhoods by people pushing little metal carts.  I really liked having my grilled corn like this, it gave it a nice creamy flavor with a little punch.  (Mr. Foodie said it was a little too creamy for his taste.)    It would be a little bit rich to have your corn this way all the time, but it was a nice addition to our little weekend BBQ feast.



4 Ears of corn, still in husks but silk removed

1/4 Cup Melted Butter

1/4 Cup Mayonaise

Juice of 1/2 Lime

Crumbled Cotija Cheese

Hot Mexican Chile Powder

Lime Wedges


1.  Grill corn in husks about 15-20 minutes, turning at least once during cooking time.

2.  While corn is grilling, mix melted butter, mayonaise and lime juice until well blended.

3.  Remove corn from grill, remove or pull back husks and spread butter mixture onto corn.

4.  Sprinkle with desired amount of chile powder and cotija cheese before serving with lime wedges.

Corn Pudding & Thanksgiving Catch Up

I’ve had a bit of a blogging break this past week.  Foodie Jr. was off the entire week from school and we’ve had all kinds of excitement surrounding the impending arrival of Baby Foodie so it’s just been busy, busy, busy!  Our Thanksgiving was extremely quiet and spent mostly in our pajamas.  We generally travel for this holiday whether it be to a relative’s house or to a fun destination like Disneyland but this year with the delivery so close, we thought it best to stay home.  Not to mention, I can barely get from point A to point B without struggle!  Our Thanksgiving menu featured the standards:  green bean casserole, yams, stuffing, gravy, cranberries, etc…  This year we did a cajun brined and smoked turkey and made some cajun dirty rice to go with it.  Dessert was sweet potato pie and pineapple cream pie.  Too much food for 2.5 people!

The recipe I am posting is a tradition on our holiday table – Corn Pudding.  I don’t remember how or when I started making this but it has been some years now and everyone seems to really like it.  I am not posting a picture of the dish itself, but rather of the Thanksgiving spread it was a part of – you can see it in the far back (in a square  dish.)  This is a really easy side dish and it goes with standard holiday food, kid friendly as well.  I hope you enjoy it as much as we do!



3 eggs

1 Cup Heavy cream

2 TBS Sugar

1 ½ TBS Flour

1 Tsp Salt

1 Tsp Baking Powder

3 Cups Corn (2 cans)

¼ lb. Butter, melted


1.  Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2.  Beat eggs and heavy cream with mixer until light and fluffy.

3.  Slowly add the dry ingredients.

4.  Add corn and stir in the melted butter.

5.  Pour mixture in a greased casserole dish and bake for about 45 minuutes, until set.